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Friday, February 12, 2010

Spec-Ops or Co-Op for a while method by mole-digga & Edits Richard

Added me
Xfire: Ri7x
Steam: ZeroCold10

Well guys those fags was added a version checker

what´s it mean

It mean u must have the lastest version of cod mw2

Then while waiting for the version Anti-Version Checker

i´ll help you all for play coop then here´s

U MUST HAVE GARENA! Installed and Registrered By digga-mole

||| Modern Warfare 2 on Garena |||

This Guide will show you how to play Modern Warfare 2 on GarenaNOTE: Multiplayer is not yet playable but Spec Ops is so i will update this thread as soon as multiplayer is playable

First things first
You must open the following ports on your router or you will get  "NAT is Strict"

28960 UDP & 28928 UDP

Then Restart your Router

(Do portforward 28960 TO 28928)

(28960 is for iw4mp and 28928 is for iw4sp)

For mo information on how to portforward visit:

For the Executable settings, click on Browse and then....................

.......go to your Modern Warfare 2 direcotry and open co-op_starter

Click OK and then Start game

You should get an message saying

Just click ok

Now this box should pop up

To Host

You must find out your IP first, to do this, go to and copy and paste your IP on Garena chat because your IP is later required for the client to join your game.

NOTE: Yout NAT MUST be Open in order to host a Spec Ops game

Using the co-op starter above, click server mode, then ingame go to Spec Ops-----> Two Player Online, choose your Op and then wait in lobby for your player/friend to connect via your IP address.

The TeknoGods co-op starter should pop up again, this time you input the host IP in the box and click "Client Mode".

Before joining a game, tunnel the host to reduce ping between you and the host by right clicking the hosts' Garena username and then click tunnel

Now the co-op Starter should take you ingame
, immeadiately at the main menu, press F12 to connect to the IP and you should be "Joining Game Session"

Now you should be in the Lobby with your Friend, ready to play. 

If your "Joining Game Session" takes forever, spam the F12 key until you join, and if you still can't join, don't worry because it is hosts problem [because he/she didn't open his NAT] 

Special thx to

PD: If u wanna use tunngle just copy tunngle ip and not the real ip..(Tunngle VPN IP)

If u wanna play with me added me!


Pass By

Srry for problems FIXED!


  1. Man ... but I've got the "Connecting to IWnet when i want to host Spec Ops..."

  2. ooo

    it´s working fine for me with Hamachi

    then try to use hamachi for it....

    easier and more faster!

    have fun sweet heart LOL
